Century 21 Shoplifting Cases
Century 21 is a chain of department stores in the US. In New York City, stores are located in Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Queens. They are known for discounted prices and crowded stores. The crowded conditions inside make it easy to commit and easy to be accused of shoplifting. This is because it is hard for store security to keep an eye on everyone due to the volume of people, the constant commotion, and people and objects blocking their view. As a result, you may be tempted to take something without paying or become accused because store security made a mistake about your intentions. Depending on the location of the store, you may be charged with shoplifting in Manhattan, Brooklyn, or Queens.
We've successfully obtained dismissals in numerous shoplifting cases in Century 21 and even including a client who walked out with several hundred dollars of luggage that he forgot to pay for. Remember - no matter how bad things look, making an honest mistake isn't a crime.
Century 21 security often looks for the following behaviors that cause them to take action
- Placing unpaid merchandise in a personal bag or shopping bag
- Switching tags
- Grabbing expensive items and placing them in a personal bag
- Grabbing and walking away with testers or samples
- Exiting a fitting room with fewer items that brought in
After Century 21 security detains and questions a suspected shoplifter, the NYPD is called and formally taken into custody. Later, the suspected shoplifter can be given a desk appearance ticket and charged with petit larceny and possession of stolen property at the arraignment in court. The arraignment is the beginning of the criminal case and depending on how it is handled, you can make or break your entire case.
Some of our Century 21 Case Results
- Client, a financial services worker, was accused of switching tags on merchandise before submitting it for purchase. Client faced termination and loss of certain financial licenses if convicted. We successfully negotiated a deal to have client's case dismissed and client avoided employment consequences. Last we spoke to client, everything was going well with client's job.
- Client put on a jacket and walked out without paying. Case ultimately resolved with a dismissal, no criminal record, arrest photo and fingerprints destroyed.
- Client and a friend were both arrested for taking several dresses in Century 21. Client was not a citizen and faced serious immigration consequences because of the arrest. We successfully negotiated a dismissal and avoided immigration problems.
- Client, a teacher, was arrested when an alarm was triggered by several unpaid items in client's bag. We negotiated a dismissal, no criminal record, and client's arrest photo and fingerprints to be destroyed. Client avoided severe employment consequences as a result of the outcome.
- Client was holding a few items on client's arm and they accidentally dropped into a shopping bag client was holding. Case was resolved with a dismissal and records sealed.
- Client was accused of placing a cheaper price tag on a wallet and arrested when client attempted to leave. Case was eventually dismissed, no criminal record and arrest photo and fingerprints were destroyed
- Client was observed taking several perfume testers and placing them in client's personal bag. Case dismissed, no criminal record, client's arrest photograph and fingerprints destroyed.
- Client walked into a fitting room and walked out without any of the items. Store security searched the fitting room but did not find the items. Client was stopped and the items were recovered from a personal bag. We negotiated a deal to have the charges dismissed and client's record sealed.
- Client placed several clothing items in a personal bag and was arrested when attempting to enter a restroom. Client was not a citizen and faced being deported if convicted. We avoided conviction and obtained a dismissal of client's case. No criminal record and no immigration consequences.
Being arrested in Century 21 is embarrassing enough. Don't let a conviction lead to life-altering consequences. Before you set foot in a courtroom, you could lose your job, get fined, and suffer from embarrassment, stress, and anxiety. Depending on the outcome of your case, you may face up to a year in jail, a permanent criminal record, employment, and immigration and international travel consequences. Contact us today to discuss the options available to you. The sooner you call, the sooner we can shed light on your situation and what it would take to achieve the best outcome.