Sephora Shoplifting Cases

Sephora is a French cosmetics store founded in 1969 which features over 300 brands and its own private labels. We often defend shoplifting cases from Sephora at the Midtown Community Court and 100 Centre Street which hears shoplifting arrests from Manhattan.
Shoplifting cases at Sephora can be the result of direct observation by store security, through video surveillance or a security sensor. Often, arrests happen within Sephora and before the suspected shoplifter has left. Although this raises a natural question as to whether the suspected shoplifter was really going to leave without paying, Sephora security often looks for the following behaviors that cause them to take action.
- Placing unpaid cosmetics in a personal bag
- Placing unpaid cosmetics in a shopping bag brought in from outside
- Placing unpaid cosmetics in a shopping bag obtained inside
- Grabbing an unusually large amount of items or lots of the identical product
- Pacing, loitering, or looking around nervously
- Conditions inside Sephora can lead to temptation or a mistake about your intentions. This is because the stores are often crowded, cosmetics are small but expensive, and any mishandled item could lead to suspicion.
- After Sephora security detains and questions a suspected shoplifter, the NYPD is called and formally taken into custody. Later, the suspected shoplifter can be given a desk appearance ticket and charged with petit larceny and possession of stolen property at the arraignment in court. The arraignment is the beginning of the criminal case and depending on how it is handled, you can make or break your entire case.
What if I did it?
- We will fight to get the charges dropped
- We will fight the charges and look for ways to get your case dismissed or reduced
- If it is your first offense, let us know
- If you were stressed, depressed, anxious, or distracted at the time, please let us know
- If you were under the influence of any medication or substance, let us know

I’m innocent
- We will fight to get the charges dropped
- Contact us to discuss documents that will help to prove innocence
Some of our Sephora Shoplifting Results
- Client was arrested in Sephora for taking about $600 of cosmetics. Client, a graduate of a prestigious university, worked in the financial sector and was concerned about special work-related problems caused by being arrested for theft. The wrong outcome in court could have jeopardized the very career client worked hard to achieve. We successfully obtained a complete dismissal of client's case that was designed to avoid work-related consequences. Client was able to keep client's job and client's arrest photograph and fingerprints were to be destroyed as a result of the outcome.
- Client was arrested in Sephora after taking a few cosmetic items. Client was suffering from depression because of recent personal issues. Client was charged with Petit Larceny, PL 155.25, and faced up to 1 year in jail. Client was hoping to eventually apply for a governmental job. We successfully negotiated a dismissal, no criminal record, arrest photograph and fingerprints to be destroyed.
- Client was arrested in sephora for taking over $500 of cosmetics and client got arrested for the same thing while the first case was still open. We successfully negotiated a deal to have the criminal charges dismissed and we got client's second case also dismissed on a technicality.
- Client, a minor, as arrested in sephora for taking over $300 of cosmetics. Security observed client doing this and grabbed client as client attempted to leave the store. We were able go negotiate a deal to have client's case dismissed and client's arrest photo and fingerprints destroyed.
- Client was arrested for taking a few cosmetic items worth about $200. Client was arrested after paying for other merchandise. We detected an error committed by the prosecutor and used this error to get client's case dismissed and her arrest photo and fingerprints destroyed.
- Client was arrested and found with several unpaid cosmetic items in client's bag. Client was arrested with a friend. We defended both client and client's friend who were accused of working together to steal makeup. We successfully negotiated a deal to have both cases eventually dismissed and the records sealed.
- Client was arrested for stealing about $800 of cosmetics from Sephora. Client was recently subjected to a personal trauma. We were able to raise doubt about client's intentions inside the store and negotiated a deal that avoided a criminal record and to have client's case and arrest record sealed.
Shoplifting convictions can lead to permanent and life altering consequences. Before you set foot in a courtroom, you could lose your job, get fined, and suffer from embarrassment, stress, and anxiety. Depending on the outcome of your case, you may face up to a year in jail, a permanent criminal record, employment, and immigration and international travel consequences. Contact us today at (212) 619-3900 to discuss the options available to you. The sooner you call, the sooner we can shed light on your situation and what it would take to achieve the best outcome.